Andy Kurtzig - Founder of JustAnswer.Com
Andy Kurtzig founded, an Expert Q&A site has thousands of Experts in over 150 categories, in 2003. His platform gives people access to Experts in industries where people are seeking online help such as doctors, lawyers, mechanics and veterinarians. Visit here.
Mary Boland - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Mary Boland is an author and prosecutor from Chicago, Illinois where she specializes in complex sex crimes and sexual harassment. She has written two books on this topic, “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” and “Sexual Harassment: Your Guide to Legal Action”.
J. Anita Lafayette - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
J. Anita Lafayette is the author of the book series, When Sexual Harassment Feels Like Prostitution. She has dealt with repeated sexual harassment in the workplace for over a decade. Visit Lafayette online here.
Mark Lauren- You Are Your Own Gym
Mark Lauren is a certified Military Physical Training Specialist, Special Operations Combat Controller, triathlete, and champion Thai boxer. He provides the most effective, efficient, inexpensive, and convenient routine for exercise available, and only requires the human body - the most advanced fitness machine ever created. Visit Mark’s website here.